

Torch Calories With This Simple 30-Minute Swim Workout

Swimming is the perfect workout if you want to quickly burn a ton of calories. Need proof? Ask athletes from other sports who become exhausted after only a few lengths of the pool. There are man

10 Ways to Make Fitness and Nutrition a Priority

If you feel stuck in a rut and have no idea how to get back on track with your fitness and nutrition goals, you’re not alone. I totally get you, and I know it’s a hard spot to be in when you des

The Best Way to Lose Weight as a Couple, According to Science

Weight is usually not an easy thing to talk about. But if you are in a relationship and one or both of you is working to lose weight, it’s best to discuss what kind of support you need, a recent

10 Things to Know Before Trying a Vegan Diet

Seven years ago, 1% of Americans identified as being vegan. Today 6% claim they are totally animal-free, according to GlobalData’s Top Trends in Prepared Foods in 2017. While the reasons are var

8 Things to Know Before Fitness Walking

Any time you begin a new activity like fitness walking, you’re bound to have a ton of questions that need to be answered. From whether or not you need to worry about proper technique to how to s

4 Ways to Use Social Media to Lose Weight

On the path toward losing 100 pounds, Karla Pankow got plenty of encouragement from her fellow gym-goers, family and friends. But she found the biggest boost came from her smartphone. “Social me

Weight Loss and Many Health Benefits of Hot Peppers

Some people crave the addicting kick of spicy foods, while others avoid spice like they avoid touching hot stoves. But whichever camp you belong to, you can’t ignore the fact that hot peppers ha

10 Things to Know Before Trying the Mediterranean Diet

Continually near the top of the U.S. News & World Report’s annual Best Diets lists, the Mediterranean diet is known for its heart health benefits and focus on fish, olive oil and red wine. And a

How Long Should You Give a Diet or Fitness Plan?

Personal trainers, physicians, nutritionists and health gurus might disagree about the route you should take toward optimal fitness and meals, but they concur on one thing: You need to give a ne

The Big Dangers of Belly Fat

Many people want to whittle their midsections to look better and fit into that next-size-down pair of pants. But reducing belly fat brings many more benefits than just aesthetics — you could be