

The Best Time to Indulge Cravings

The next time you have a hankering for a bag of chips or a chocolate chip cookie, look at the clock. A new study published in the journal Current Biology found the body expends 10% more calories

9 Simple Ways to Stack Habits for Weight-Loss Success

Creating new healthy habits can be extremely difficult, especially when losing weight requires long-term changes to your diet, fitness, sleep schedule and more. But other habits — like brushing

The Science Behind HIIT Post-Workout Hunger

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is one of the most popular forms of exercise thanks to benefits like better cardiovascular health and a higher calorie burn with a smaller time commitment

5 Strategies to Eat Slower and Lose Weight

When you’re trying to lose weight, it’s helpful to track calories and macros and use tools like measuring cups and food scales. While these strategies work well, they can work even better when c

The Negative Impact of Yo-Yo Dieting on Your Muscles

As you age, there is a certain amount of muscle mass loss and function that occurs in a process called sarcopenia, starting in your 30s and picking up steam with every decade. Although this is a

5 Ways to Up Your Vegetable Game

Eating meat and eating vegetables don’t have to be mutually exclusive, obviously. While getting protein from meat is important, vegetables offer loads of fiber and nutrients and should get at le

6 Things to Look For in the Best Protein Drink

Most dietitians will tell you that, generally speaking, it’s easy to get enough protein from whole foods alone. But sometimes — if you’re struggling to meet your protein needs on a plant-based d

Could Nature Help Curb Emotional Eating?

Cravings have a way of taking over. Let’s say you really, really want a particular food — those gooey enchiladas at your favorite Mexican spot, an icing-covered pumpkin doughnut or a bag of salt

Less Phone Time Could Help You Lose Weight

Between checking email, texting, scrolling through social media feeds and watching viral videos, adults spend more than 11 hours per day on their phones, according to the research firm Nielsen.