

What’s the Most Effective HIIT Format for Weight Loss?

There’s a reason high-intensity interval training (HIIT) was named the number 1 fitness trend for 2018: It works. Fitness newbies and workout veterans alike continue turning to these quick, inte

Can Dieting Damage Your Metabolism?

When it comes to losing weight and maintaining weight loss, diets are obviously a popular choice — but what kind of effect can loss (and, realistically, gaining some back) have on your metabolis

Which Is Harder: Losing Weight or Keeping it Off?

When your goal is to lose weight, being tunnel-vision focused on dropping those pounds isn’t totally a bad thing. The more you focus, the more likely you are to stick to your plan, even when you

The Big Connection Between Stress and Weight Gain

When it comes to your weight and fitness goals, maybe you’re crushing it in the kitchen and the gym. Your macros are a thing of beauty, your cardio and strength mix is consistent and individuali

10 of the Healthiest Fast-Food Dishes You Can Order

Here’s a simple rule: If you’re trying to eat healthy, don’t eat fast food. That’s a solid way to keep your meals wholesome and your calories in check. But that is often easier said than done. B

New Dad (or Mom)? Try These Baby-Friendly Workouts

Dear New Father, Well done: You now have a baby of your own, and that means you now possess a love that knows no bounds, not to mention a vulnerability that knows no depth. It also means you’re

6 Ways Restaurants Could Be Killing Your Diet (and How to Change It)

When it comes to losing weight, it starts with diet. But it’s not about depriving yourself of all that is good in this world; it’s about making smart choices, educating yourself and watching por

Science Says Sleep Helps Keep High-Calorie Cravings in Check

A lack of sleep could cause more than exhaustion: It might also affect the number on the scale. Several studies have linked sleep deprivation to weight gain. One study found women who slept fewe

What’s the Best Time of Day to Exercise for Weight Loss?

Some people insist that getting your workout done first thing in the morning is the key to successful weight loss. Other exercise devotees tout the benefits of sweating before bed. So, who’s rig

How Often You Should Exercise When You’re Trying to Lose Weight

There are many great reasons to follow a regular fitness routine. After all, cardio and resistance training offer a host of health-related benefits, from lowering blood pressure and bad choleste