

Secrets of Survival

Introduction There was a time when I'd see people who'd been in horrible accidents, who had

The Age-by-Age Guide to Kid Fears

Baby & Toddler: 0-2 years Strangers: Even sleepy newborns recognize—and prefer—their parents

Goat Yoga Is the Newest Family Fitness Trend Animal Lovers Must Try

I close my eyes, press my palms into my mat, and stretch into Downward Dog. Birds twitter overhead and the w

Moms Are Most Depressed When Kids Are in Middle School, Study Says

My daughter is halfway through eighth grade, her final year of middle school. Which means there's final

I Hated Being Tickled as a Kid So Why Should I Let My Husband Do It to Our Daughter?

When you and your partner have children, it's expected you won't agree on everything when it comes

It’s Time for a Truce in the Boy Scouts vs. Girl Scouts Battle

My daughters didn’t last long in the world of Girl Scouts. Their troops seemed a little to

7 Creative Ways Teachers Are Prepping Their Classrooms for Pandemic Learning

With students resuming distanced learning lessons or heading back into classrooms with masks and physical distan

15 Ways to Get a Lot Healthier (Fast)

1. Take a hike Brisk exercise is good for your body, and can boost your mood. Plus: If you walk a mile a day

4 Ways to Cut Stress and Enjoy Your Second (or Third!) Pregnancy

If you’re expecting your second (or your third!), these hints will help ease some of your stress. Spe

Is ’Baby Brain’ Actually a Good Thing?

Since becoming a mother, I literally struggle to finish sentences. \"Where'd I put the...\" And I f