

How Well Do You Know Teen Slang?

I was out shoe shopping with my 14-year-old daughter the other day, trying to get her to buy anything

6 Ways to Prepare Your Teen for the First Day of High School

On any given year, the very first day of high school comes with plenty of excitement and uncertainty for teens a

A Lot of Moms Are Lying to Their Doctors About How Stressed They Are, and It’s Not Okay

Being a mom can be awesome—giving and receiving unconditional love, seeing your kiddos grow and

French Retailer Calls for Gender-Free Christmas in Powerful New Ad

A French food retailer wanted to create a Christmas toy catalog free of gender stereotypes. Instead of \"girl

Should We Teach Kids About Porn?

While in the \"olden days\" kids may have sneaked a peek at their dad's nudie mag or happened upon a racy

What Teachers Want Parents to Know About Reopening Schools

Teachers are scared right now. As COVID-19 cases surge—actually spiking again in parts of the country

Why Black Mothers and Babies Have the Worst Birth Outcome in the Nation

Labor nurse and midwife Demetrice Smith delivered babies for a living. A community-health advocate in N

When Lung Cancer Strikes at 33: One Mom’s Story

What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving? If the current political climate has you feeling slightly stump

Want to Raise a Creative Thinker? Letting Them Play is Key

Creativity is a kind of grown-up version of play, so perhaps it isn’t surprising that childhood

This Mom’s Honest Post Is for Anyone Who Feels Like Anxiety Won Today

Kristen Hewitt is no stranger to anxiety. After the traumatic birth of her first child eight years ago, whic