

Let’s Turn Sibling Conflicts into Growth Opportunities

When our children fight with one another, our instinct usually is to diffuse the situation and separate them

Are Video Games Really to Blame For America’s Gun Problem?

In the wake of the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, President Donald Trump and fellow con

Girl Scouts of the USA Introduces 30 New STEM-Related Badges

Girl Scouts can now develop skills in cybersecurity, environmental advocacy, mechanical engineering, ro

Many Girls Are Woefully Unprepared for Puberty

It's a topic I'm not exactly looking forward to discussing with my three daughters: puberty. And n

15 Simple Ways to Spread Kindness with Kids

Move over TikTok, and enter the Family Kindness Challenge. The name of the game? Make your crew more caring

Mom Shares Embarrassing Account of Farting in Yoga Class and We Love Her For It

As a devoted yogi, I had to appreciate a mom's recent confession about how she farted in yoga class. An

Kids Notice Things Adults Completely Miss, New Research Says

We usually assume that, as adults, we know more and can handle far more advanced cognitive tasks than our ki

7 Books on Puberty for Boys

Puberty has hit my house. My oldest son has entered the tween years and seemingly overnight he went from m

When Your Child Is Skinny

Back when her daughter Emily was 2, Laura Bennardo couldn’t help feeling self-conscious when the two

Best Workout Apps and Streaming Services for Busy Moms

Make Exercise A Habit Try: Booya Fitness Why It’s Great: In addition to more than 100 enticing