

Major Study Links Using Smartphones for School Work With Lower Grades

A new Rutgers University–New Brunswick study published in the journal Educational Psychol

11 Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Virtual School

Celebrating your child's first day of school usually means excited (or nervous) kids with backpacks filled

7 Little Ways to Improve Your Child’s Coordination

Developing children need a lot of movement. We all intuitively know that, although it can be hard to do these da

12 Fun First Week of School Traditions

The start of school can be nerve-racking for kids during normal times. Add a whole new set of rules, face masks,

Feel-Good Moves for Moms

After a year of carrying my baby on my hip, all it took was bending to get milk from the fridge to throw my

Flatter Abs Fast

Make Your Abs Over Beach season is in full swing. With our perfect ab plan you'll finally have the con

This App Launched a Routine Resource Page for Families Trying to Balance Work and Life at Home

To say that I'm Type A would be an understatement—I mean, even my lists have lists—but I

Thumb Sucking: How My Son Kicked the Habit

Ever since my son Ian started sucking his thumb as a baby, I knew that one day he would have to stop. Still,

How Not to Accidentally Favor Your Easier Child

Despite being raised in the same house by the same parents, my two children are polar opposites. My daughter

Everything You Need to Know About Adrenarche: A Surge in Hormones That Happens Before Puberty

As a mother of four girls, I had no idea what was happening when my second daughter turned 7 and suddenly mo