Melissa Willets


Science Says Taking a Hot Bath Burns as Many Calories as a 30-Minute Walk

Good news, fellow lazy moms of the world: New research finds that taking a hot bath may be as beneficial for

Short Film Helps Angry Kids Learn to ’Just Breathe’

Last night my 6-year-old got so mad she had to go to bed that she started kicking and punching my husband, a

The One Thing Gwyneth Paltrow Wants Her Daughter to Know About Beauty

Gwyneth Paltrow's name is synonymous with clean living, beauty, and well, perfection. So it's no s

Kids’ Concussions May Impair Brain Function Years Later

Unbelievably, more than a million brain injuries are treated each year in the U.S. In kids, many of th

Parents Who Fight in Front of Kids May Do More Harm Than They Think

You've probably heard it's not healthy for parents to fight in front of kids, and now a study publ

French Retailer Calls for Gender-Free Christmas in Powerful New Ad

A French food retailer wanted to create a Christmas toy catalog free of gender stereotypes. Instead of \"girl

Preach, Girl! We Love This Teen’s Body-Positive Response to a School BMI Assignment

Okay, is there anything worse than being weighed in front of your peers, at any age, let alone in the eighth

Is ’Baby Brain’ Actually a Good Thing?

Since becoming a mother, I literally struggle to finish sentences. \"Where'd I put the...\" And I f

Many Girls Are Woefully Unprepared for Puberty

It's a topic I'm not exactly looking forward to discussing with my three daughters: puberty. And n

Mom Shares Embarrassing Account of Farting in Yoga Class and We Love Her For It

As a devoted yogi, I had to appreciate a mom's recent confession about how she farted in yoga class. An