Ellen Sturm Niz


7 Ways to Keep the Magic of Christmas Alive for Older Kids

No matter how much we wish our kids would stay young and filled with wonder forever, eventually they grow ou

A Lot of Moms Are Lying to Their Doctors About How Stressed They Are, and It’s Not Okay

Being a mom can be awesome—giving and receiving unconditional love, seeing your kiddos grow and

Should We Teach Kids About Porn?

While in the \"olden days\" kids may have sneaked a peek at their dad's nudie mag or happened upon a racy

9 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Their First Period

Preparing your child for their first period—and roughly 40 more years of the monthly experience&

5 Times Kids Will (or Should!) Experience Disappointment

As parents, we want to protect our kids from everything bad in the world, but that's hardly realistic.