Elizabeth Millard


5 Physical Factors of Weight Loss Nobody Talks About

Getting on track with a weight-loss strategy can feel amazing when the results start rolling in. But in addition to losing weight — in particular water weight initially and then fat as you progr

Your Lifestyle Can Make Up For a Genetic Predisposition to Weight Gain

Looking through generations of family photos, you may notice it’s not just facial features that seem to be inherited — in many families, body shape and weight seem to get handed down just as eas

Could Your Medications be Causing Weight Gain?

After Alyssa Meyer came out of treatment for breast cancer, she was grateful to be in remission, but the hormone-balancing pill she was prescribed had an unpleasant side effect: significant weig

Is Alcohol Sabotaging Your Weight Loss?

When you’re trying to lose weight, the standard advice of “eat fewer calories than you burn” still largely applies, but not all calories are created equal when it comes to the effect on your bod

5 Ways to Avoid Healthy Food Burnout

You do everything right, from always loading your plate with veggies to doing meal prep every Sunday, but then you hit that point — you just get tired of working so hard and feeling deprived. A

4 Tips For Losing Weight as You Age

Many people, who may have maintained their weight easily in their 20s and 30s, start to feel more challenged when they pass the big 4-0, and that’s not surprising since you begin to lose lean mu

3 Ways Weight Loss Changes Your Brain

There’s plenty of emphasis from health and fitness professionals on how excess weight affects the body — not just related to appearance, but also in terms of insulin resistance, cardiovascular e

Gout Is on the Rise (Here’s How to Prevent It)

With rising obesity and more meat consumption, gout is back on the medical radar — and even keto and low-carb diets may have an effect on risk. Gout is a form of inflammatory arthritis that affe

Losing Weight During and After Menopause

Menopause can bring numerous side effects that range from irritating to life disrupting — including mood swings, hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, depression, fatigue and dryness down there —

4 Signs of Perimenopause That May Affect Your Weight

Menopause has a clear definition that helps women know when they’re on the other side of their fertility. It’s the point when menstrual cycles permanently cease, and you’re considered to be meno