Brittany Risher


Which Is Harder: Losing Weight or Keeping it Off?

When your goal is to lose weight, being tunnel-vision focused on dropping those pounds isn’t totally a bad thing. The more you focus, the more likely you are to stick to your plan, even when you

The Best Way to Lose Weight as a Couple, According to Science

Weight is usually not an easy thing to talk about. But if you are in a relationship and one or both of you is working to lose weight, it’s best to discuss what kind of support you need, a recent

10 Things to Know Before Trying a Vegan Diet

Seven years ago, 1% of Americans identified as being vegan. Today 6% claim they are totally animal-free, according to GlobalData’s Top Trends in Prepared Foods in 2017. While the reasons are var

10 Things to Know Before Trying the Mediterranean Diet

Continually near the top of the U.S. News & World Report’s annual Best Diets lists, the Mediterranean diet is known for its heart health benefits and focus on fish, olive oil and red wine. And a

10 Things to Know Before Trying the Paleo Diet

While you may never want to live like a caveman (Who regularly lives in fear of animal attacks?), many people aim to eat like one and follow the Paleo diet. The gist is you only eat what cavemen

10 Things to Know Before Trying the DASH Diet

Named the best overall diet by U.S. News and World Report for eight consecutive years, the DASH diet tends to fly under the radar. Although there aren’t any celebrities endorsing the Dietary App

10 Things to Know Before Trying the Whole30 Diet

Created by Melissa Hartwig (and her then-husband) in 2009, the Whole30 diet is a 30-day plan that eliminates food groups Hartwig claims are “psychologically unhealthy, hormone-unbalancing, gut-d

10 Things to Know Before Trying the Ketogenic Diet

Despite being fairly controversial, the keto craze continues. While some celebs credit the high-fat, low-carb diet for helping them slim down, many experts remain cautious about recommending the

Does Working Out More Really Make You Eat More?

For many years, we’ve been told exercise for weight loss is a double-edged sword. It makes reaching your goal easier if you combine it with cutting calories, but too much may make you eat more,

Why RDs Aren’t Fans of the Vertical Diet

Yet another new diet is circulating gyms, and for once it’s not about losing weight — this one’s all about making gains. The vertical diet was created by Stan “The Rhino” Efferding, an IFBB prof