Amy Wood


5 Meditation Alternatives for Non-meditative Folk

What began many centuries ago as a spiritual practice has taken a comfortable seated position in mainstream culture. Praised by Silicon Valley CEOs and charismatic TV personalities alike, meditation i

Scribble Anxiety Away

Whether you’re actively experiencing anxiety or would simply like to invest in regular self-care and proactive stress management, art therapist Shauna Kaendo recommends the following directive. Grab a

This Inspiring Fashion Brand Turns Trash into Treasure

Julia Grieve became an “accidental environmentalist” nearly 25 years ago when she started the Canadian eco-fashion brand Preloved. Discover what makes Preloved sustainable, what Grieve has learned thr

Stuff It

Recent literature suggests that we don’t just have a problem with consumption, but a full-blown addiction. We’re reaching the point of a total plastic takeover and—spoiler alert—recycling just isn’t g