Gwyneth Paltrow's name is synonymous with clean living, beauty, and well, perfection. So it's no surprise the actress and mom is launching her own skincare line, Goop by Juice Beauty, and makeup line Juice Beauty, which ban chemicals but still aim to achieve picture-perfect results.
While in New York to talk about her brands, the consciously uncoupled star was asked about her look-alike 11-year-old daughter Apple's take on makeup, according to Elite Daily. And it turns out the super health-conscious Paltrow doesn't restrict her daughter (with Coldplay frontman Chris Martin) as much as you might have expected.
"I let [Apple] buy things that she wants to buy," Paltrow said. "But I talk to her a lot about products. She ordered a 180-eyeshadow palette from China that was, literally, like $1.89. I was like, I don't know what to say. I can't imagine what is in this product, but at the same time I want her to feel her own autonomy."
So, while mama Paltrow is understandably concerned about what Apple is putting on her face, she hasn't exactly banned anything that isn't 100-percent natural from the house. And she realizes that health concerns aside, makeup is just outer beauty anyway. It seems the gorgeous mom-of-two (she also has a son, Moses) recognizes that real beauty comes from within.
"I hope that the main thing [Apple] will have learned about beauty from me is that, irrespective of anything, she is beautiful. She is an intrinsically beautiful human being. Beauty is fun and it can be a wonderful expression of who you are and playing dress up and feeling good, but I hope that underneath that all she'll know her value and worth and feel beautiful because of that."
Ahem, easy to say when you look like Gwyneth Paltrow! But no, it's a lovely sentiment, and exactly how I'd hope my three daughters would feel toward beauty. How you look is a big source of self-esteem, but it sure as hell isn't everything. Even the prettiest girls can act ugly, and my focus as a parent is to nurture my daughters' insides.
Of course, even if they get sassy when I ask them to clean up their rooms, they'll always be the three most beautiful girls in the world to me.
Melissa Willets is a writer/blogger and a mom. Follow her on Twitter (@Spitupnsuburbs), where she chronicles her love of exercising and drinking coffee, but never simultaneously.